Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eating Organic without Breaking the Bank

Eating organic foods without breaking the bank

Just a Quick Overview
  • The Twelve Cleanest Non-Organic and the Twelve Uncleanly( loaded with tons of Pesticide) Non-Organic Foods
  • How to get the most for your money

Now-- I took a picture of nuts--but you don't have to eat or like nuts to try organic foods... Just in case you were wondering--

 According to the Environmental Working Group, when it comes
to conventionally-grown produce, these are the 12 cleanest
kinds you can buy:
Twelve "cleanest non-organic foods"
• Asparagus
• Avocados
• Bananas
• Broccoli
• Cauliflower
• Corn (sweet) AVOID: Probably Genetically Modified
• Kiwi
• Mango
• Onions
• Papaya
• Pineapples
• Peas (sweet)
 How to get the most for you buck

1. If you can't get your hands on organic produce, it's safer to eat non-organic foods that have a peel which you don't eat, like bananas and avocados.

2. Wash all of your fruits and vegetables well in soap and water, especially if they are not organic.

3. Learn the dirty dozen. It's a list of the 12 fruits and vegetables that contain the most pesticides. If you can't buy organic all the time, then it is at least best to buy organic when it comes to the dirty dozen. Buy organic when it comes to this list, ranked from worst (most pesticides) on down:

12 Worst Food with Pesticide


Bell peppers



Strawberries/ Red Raspberries



Imported Grapes




Now, this doesn't mean don't eat these items.. Just wash really well, take the skin off when possible, and try to buy them organic would be even better.

4. In fact, better than buying the dirty dozen organically, it's even cheaper to grow your own! Plant a small garden in your yard, teach your children where food really comes from, save a ton of money and enjoy the educational, healthy and relaxing experience of growing and eating your very own produce.Now my husband would love to do this but I do not have a green thumb. Everything I take care of plant wise always dies on me, so until I have lots of land and extra money to --just throw away--or a gardener--- I will not be doing this. But I thought I would include it anyway--maybe someone out there has a green thumb and extra space in the yard to start a small garden.

5. Find a food share cooperative in your area.  Look online or ask at your local natural food store to see if there is an organic vegetable share program in your area.

6. Finally, do remember to not sweat the small stuff. Whether you and your family eat organic foods or not it will not impact you in eternity, so do keep it all in perspective!

9 Methods for saving money on organic food:
  • Have a plan before you get to the store. Set a budget. Track your spending. Shop with a list. I have gotten to where I do not go in the store with out a list--whether the list is on my phone or on paper--I tend to spend more if I don't have that list to go by. Take baby steps toward this. Start by only buying what is on your list the next time you go into the store. Don't purchase anything else and see how you do. You will get better at it each time!!
  • Perform organic triage. Prioritize based on your own values and focus on those areas where organic makes the most sense for you. Also try buying in bulk.
  • Rethink meat. By reducing your meat intake, you improve your diet and you save money. (This is something I find easy --I am not a meat eater--but my husband likes meat every now and then. So I do some meals with out meat and some with meat.)
  • Clip coupons. There aren't many for organic products. You can try checking manufacturers’ web sites or check out this site organic coupons. (Scroll down when you click on this site and you will see a long list of sites to get coupons for organic foods.)
  • Shop strategically. Like for instance These are some big ones on my list-- If you can-- go alone, Eat before you go to the store, stay on the outside perimeter of the store for your foods, choose generic,  Avoid the processed stuff! I found this list helpful grocery-shopping tips.  Now as I say all this. Just last night--I went to Sam's hungry--Now I did have dinner but with trying to feed Tucker his meal before we headed out, I didn't get full. So I think I did do pretty good considering but I did have Gus there to help with temptation--of buying sweet and salty items. So don't do it often if possible!!
  • Rethink your food budget.
    Free up more dollars for organic food by trimming the fat from your conventional food budget. Add up all the dollars you spend every month on food, including fast food meals, morning cups of coffee, bagels and even trips to vending machines. A small change in your eating habits could free up the money you need to buy the organic foods that you really want.
  • Ease into organic.
    Begin the transition to organic eating with some of your favorite foods.

    Pick a product or two that you decide you really notice a difference in taste and that really excites you.
    Families with young children may want to start by buying organic baby food and dairy products.
    "Whatever your kids eat the most of is where you start."
    If you're concerned about pesticides, you may want to substitute organic foods for conventional foods with the highest levels of pesticide residues. These include apples, apricots, peaches, pears, red raspberries, strawberries, spinach, peppers, celery and potatoes.

    So if you have always wanted to try organic eating then hopefully these ideas will help you start without spending a lot of money. Good Luck!

    Hope you enjoyed this Organic Eating without breaking the bank-- post!

    If you have any questions please feel free to comment back!

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