Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Parenting: Boys Is the Topic

Raising healthy, well-educated, self-disciplined children who love God is I believe, the most challenging responsibility of all. And of course, the job is even more difficult today when the culture undermines and contradicts everything Christian parents are trying to accomplish at home. Fortunately, we are not asked to do everything perfectly as moms and dads. Phew-- Isn't that a relief? Our kids usually manage to survive our mistakes and failures and turn out better than we have any right to boast about.
Even though with young children, are role and influence is far from over.

I truly believe that the spiritual welfare of our children is our most important responsibility with them. The only way to build their faith is to pour scripture into them, model it personally, and to stay on your knees in prayer. Our desire should be for our children to have a heart that wants to know God.
A little side note: It is so special to hear your young children pray. It personally touches my heart to hear my 3 year old say his prayers, pray for food, and it especially makes me tear up when he prays for the rescue trucks as they zoom by us with there lights and sirens on.
Your kids that around your feet will grow and be gone before you know it. Don't let the opportunity of these days slip away from you. We only have one chance. No professional accomplishment or success is worth that cost in my opinion.

It saddens me to know that there are people who think that kids past a certain number are a burden.
God is the giver and taker of life and we are not to play God.
Sorry--I had to vent for a second!

 I have often thought about how important father's are in a child's life but until I had my own I couldn't really grasp how important the role of a father really is. 
Daddy's play differently, they discipline differently, they communicate differently, they build confidence, and they provide a look at the world from a man's view.
Fathers have a huge responsibility as the head of the home to lead and guide the family in the right direction. 
So it is important for us as wives to encourage, pray, and support our husbands.

For those of you who have little boys and little girls (but today I want to talk about the boys), wow-- You have a responsibility that as they grow to teach them how to lead, to be a gentlemen, to be honest, to be strong but sensitive, Godly men and the list goes on....
Don't forget that sons grow up to become husbands and fathers.As moms we probably spend the majority of the time with them and therefore we need to give/teach the basis of there foundation.
I hope that as you read this you don't take it the wrong way or think I am lecturing anyone, I am simply sharing from my heart.
Being a mom is a huge responsibility and I can not take my job lightly.
I pray that you feel the same.


1 comment:

Deborah said...

Very True!! Great Post :)

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